WE use words that are familiar without the same meanings.
WE drive each other down into the dumps on not delivering.
WE didn't even agree on what to deliver.
WE think others are foes before they are friends.
WE fight for what we want rather than ask for it.
WE find others wrong before they are right.
WE play to win not to include.
WE harbor bad feelings till we burst.
WE confront disappointments late.
WE seek to blame before we seek to take initiative.
WE hide behind our fears and hold onto them too long...
WHAT IF we had a real choice to make...
To give each other a chance to learn, grow and nourish.
To listen from the heart first before the head.
To ask when we don't understand, then listen until we get what others really mean.
To make winning the outgrowth of doing great things together with others.
WHAT IF we made the VITAL choice today...
To honor how far we've come and stay focused on the journey ahead.
To understand that without others we'll never get there.
To realize that we create the future and then step into it.
To take the time to author the future WE want to create together.
Creating WE: Change I-Thinking to We-Thinking & Build a Healthy Thriving Organization - winner of the Bronze Award in the Leadership Category of the 2008 Axiom Business Book Awards, and The DNA of Leadership; and the DVD and Workshop titled The Leadership Secret of Gregory Goose
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