Harvard Business School Alumni Association of Boston
Career Track Event
Deciphering the Language of Leadership
Leaders and managers in business often talk about "leadership" and "management" as though they are the same. We have been asked to lead a discussion exploring the distinctions between the two and the overlaps.
Date: Monday, October 27th, 2008
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Place: HBS Hawes 101
Click here for additional information and to register for the event.
Interview with Jim Blasingame on
The Small Business Advocate Show
How many brains do you have? Listen to our recent interview on the The Small Business Advocate Show with Jim Blasingame discussing what experts describe as our five brains and how to know when to listen to the right one at the right time.
Creating WE Institute - Workplace Negativity
The Center for Sustainable Leadership together with The Creating WE Institute are offering a 4-hour workshop titled Workplace Negativity - Performance Inhibitor or Business Accelerator?
Workplace negativity has been blamed for everything from stagnate productivity to declining morale. Management gurus routinely offer advice on how to "overcome" negativity and several bestselling books have been published on the topic. But what if negativity was not necessarily a bad thing? What if, instead of being something to be overcome, negativity could be harnessed as a source of heightened productivity and breakthrough innovation? Learn how companies like Capital One, IBM and Motorola are using this new understanding of negativity to enhance leadership effectiveness and improve teamwork.
In this 4-hour program, you will:
- Learn why traditional approaches to managing negativity "leave money on the table"
- Learn about a radical new understanding regarding the nature of negativity and how, when properly interpreted, negative emotions can become a source of penetrating insight, heartfelt compassion and breakthrough creativity
- Learn a 5-step method for transforming negative emotions into prudent action and apply this method to an emotionally-charged situation at work
- Leave with a Workbook and Job Aid to support you in applying these principles in your day-to-day interactions.
Judith E. Glaser is the Author of two best selling business books:
Creating WE: Change I-Thinking to We-Thinking & Build a Healthy Thriving Organization - winner of the Bronze Award in the Leadership Category of the 2008 Axiom Business Book Awards, and The DNA of Leadership; and the DVD and Workshop titled The Leadership Secret of Gregory Goose
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